Small Quilts

The Anchorage Log Cabin Quilters have a quilt show and small quilt auction each year. I can’t be an officer in the guild because the meetings are doing the time I work, but I can donate small quilts for the auction. Here are my three latest.

Striped Buttons (14” x 14”)

Striped Buttons uses an extra quilt block and a few rounds of spiral square quilting. It’d be great in a nursery.

Twilight Fairies (13” x 18”)

Twilight Fairies was for a night group guild challenge – it’s hard to see in the photo but I added lots of seed beads after doing some free motion quilting to outline the leaves and fairies.

Swirl Glitter (18” x 13”)

Swirly Glitter is a knit material with glitter. I bought the fabric that way – not sure where or how long ago. I added swirly quilting and gold seed beads.

I also donated 9 other small quilts – mostly creative girl art quilts and a few others that I had made just cause. I hope that members and the public would love to take one home for their personal collection.

The show and auction are in September – looking forward to it – now to figure out what quilt(s) to enter into the show…how do I choose?

1 thought on “Small Quilts”

  1. love the striped buttons–it’s a visual treat and the juxtaposition of round to square is perfect. You are SO good at this! I’d love to see the other quilts in person–the beads really dance, don’t they?
    HOw to choose…hmm..if you’re looking for outside help, you could post a poll for readers.

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