Welcome Snow


The Girdwood Center for Visual Arts is having a mixed media show next month with a theme of winter playground. This is one of two pieces I created.

Winter is my favorite season and I love walking outside as the snow falls. The piece celebrates the welcome experience of snow falling, of enjoying the quiet of winter and a moment where you forget everything except the flakes landing on your face.

Welcome Snow (15” x 20”)

I tried a new binding technique – it looks good, but I need to practice it more to make it easier to do.

4 thoughts on “Welcome Snow”

  1. Carrie the snow falling looks great on this! The background fabrics are perfect too. You usually add a lot of 3-D ruffles to your pieces, perhaps a real knit or crocheted scarf would be a good addition? Not that she isn’t already lovely as is, but it might be fun to do one and see how it looks.

  2. your work with perspective is really paying off–I love the sense of movement (looking up) yet stillness (the quiet peacefulness while listening to snow fall) in this piece.
    Is the snow fused on? how did you do that? Foil might be an interesting choice to try also.
    Is this piece for sale at the show?

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