Decide Happy

Double top knots in blonde on a chocolate background. Sometimes I start creating a magpie girl art quilt, but once the girl is added, she doesn’t want ruffles.
She has a message to share that I stitch into her white dress. wpid-IMG_9071-2015-04-16-17-13.jpg
What ever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy (13” x 16”)

Happiness is a choice – have you decided to have fun today?

3 thoughts on “Decide Happy”

  1. You’re right…sometimes ruffles just don’t feel necessary. We are beautiful and happy with just the simple things…or should be!

    Would you mind sharing where you buy the small text font fabric you use for the face/arms/legs?

  2. Although I’ve been lurking, this is my first comment. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed viewing your work–both the images and the quotes!

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