Be Your Amazing Self

The word “encourage” is stitched into this brown and taupe background. When I paired a phrase with a girl, the best bit of encouragement I could think of was for each of us to be our amazing selves. We don’t have to do big things to be amazing. I amaze my husband by folding a fitted sheet into a neat square or creating dinner from a handful of ingredients and spices. I amaze myself when I take a moment to watch the sunrise, finish the daily crossword or sudoku puzzle, or pull the perfect fabric from my shelves to finish a quilt.

Be your amazing self (5.5” x 9”)
How will you be amazing today?

1 thought on “Be Your Amazing Self”

  1. I, too, enjoy the daily crossword and sudoku, but folding a fitted sheet into a neat square? You’re one up on me! That IS amazing!

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