Art Quilts

Bloom Love Live Happy

My paint chip colors inspired another projects using canvas, sheet musics, fabric, wire, wool and thread. I created canvas quilt backgrounds bound pillowcase style. Then stitched slightly ruffled strips of sheet music to the background. For love, I tore strips of purple fabric and ruffled them as I stitched them to the background with orange

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Spooky House

For a quilt guild challenge, we were to create a small quilt based on paint chips with color names starting the with same letters as our initials. My colors where Charcoal sketch (Black), Autumn sunset (orange) and Plum (purple). A few years ago, I found drawing of a haunted house that’s been in my inspiration file.

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Another version of the girl holding a mushroom. It’s the first time that ‘fungus’ has ever seemed okay to add to a quilt. I like this jacket look on a girl, but I’m not certain, I have the look of a turtle neck captured right. She grew up to be mycologist (13” x 10”)

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