
Week 7 Creations

It’s been a very busy week. So much crocheting, you’d think I was sick of it, but I already have a scarf started today! 1. Green glued trading cards for a Gluebooks exchange 2. ATCs for a Nervousness exchange (quotes theme) 3. ATCs for a Nervousness exchange (Women Who Kick Ass theme) 4. Red scarf […]

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Week 4 Creations

A set of ATC using postage and some gluecards I created with scraps from other creations this week. Valentine Gluecards for an exchange and my handmade valentines to send to friends. Envelopes for 2 exchanges 2 scarves because I feel like crocheting all the time now I created this journal (and filled 14 pages inside)

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Week 3 Creations

I’m trying to rush through a few things on-line while Troy naps. My laptop was taken to the Apple Store today for repair – he is broken and needing a little professional TLC. With any luck, the Mac Genius said, he may return by the weekend. Keep your finger’s crossed that it’s true. This week

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Week 2 Creations

A few days late in my posting. Strange illness on Sunday night sent me to bed early and a breakdown last night sent me to bed early too. The illness passed, the breakdown left me thinking. I know I hold myself to standards, plans, expectations that are sometimes unattainable, but I continue to do it.

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Week of Creating

A week of rain and then snow flew by with spurts of creativity yeilding 8 completed projects. ATC based on Gluebooks. ATC for nervousness. Scarf to go with my favorite sweaters. nail polish marbled paper (most became postcards) An experiment based on an article I read in Cloth Paper Scissors. It required melting the top

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