
Embrace Imperfection

‘Embrace imperfection’ is something I tell students and myself often. Nothing is perfect and striving for perfection gets in the way of enjoying the process. This book cover was torn, stained and tattered making it fitting backdrop for this hand stitched collage that is machine stitched to a piece of pattern card stock. The colors

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Random Makings

I completed a few doll size quilts for stuffed animals. My quilt guild will pair them with stuffed animals and give them to children. This is my favorite one – happy hippos. I once had a night terror about a small white hippo attacking me – I woke up screaming “hippo attack! hippo attack!” My

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Back Sides

We don’t remember days, we remember moments I finished new art – I can only show you the back for now. They are off for consideration in a magazine. I can’t wait for them to return in 6 months to a year. Since finishing them I know just where I want to display them. darling,

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New Ironing Pad

This is my old ironing pad. I’ve had it since collage – about 15 years now. Years of fusible webbing mishaps make it look like this. So I made a new one. – Silver Ironing Board Cover fabric for the front and back – 2 layers of Insul-Bright – Extra Wide Double Folder Bias Tape

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