

Four years and two weeks ago we brought home a tiny fuzzy kitty. He had a loud meow, an insatiable appetite to play and was always exploring. We named him Pounce de Leon – called him Pounce or Pouncer for short. Since that day he has brought us such joy and laughter. But today has

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Kitty Update

Gigabit (aka Bitty) is home. He spent the night with the vet and the injections they gave him helped to break up the partial blockage and he had some energy back. Troy brought him home yesterday morning. He spent a few hours constantly in and out of the litter box but after getting some medicine

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Sick Kitty

My kitty, Gigabit, is sick. We took him to the vet today and he didn’t get to come home with us. They are treating him for a bladder infection. If the medicine doesn’t fix it overnight, then they have put him under and try other methods. Please keep my kitty in your thoughts, prayers, etc.

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