
Women Make History

In honor of women’s history month… Women make history everyday. It’s not just those we learn about in school textbook marching for our rights or fighting wars. Women who spark our interest, get us motivated – those women are making history too. They are artists influencing us with their talents whether musical, literary or visual.

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New Toy

Look what arrived on our doorstep last night! I love my iPod shuffle. And I love Troy even more for helping to get it all set up. I don’t have many music files resident to my ibook at home, I usually just link to the thousands of files on Troy’s computer. But unfortunately, it doesn’t

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As you can see, I’ve been changing a few things – well Troy has really, he’s the super tech guru. Despite his best efforts we couldn’t transfer the comments with the upgrade. But given the volume of comment spam I was receiving, I think I can deal. Soon, I’ll get the journal looking the same

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Music Tag!

Hope tagged me – and why not reveal my music habits? 1. Total amount of music files on your computer: On my home computer about 3 hours worth – but when I’m home I can snag iTunes from Troy’s computer that has 6000 files or roughly 18 days of music before it starts to repeat

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Holiday Hurries

I know I haven’t posted anything since November but since Thanksgiving I’ve been caught in the holiday hurries – hurry to finish craft projects (gifts for family and frined), hurry to bake cookies, hurry to work, hurry home to clean, to craft, hurry hurry hurry. Oh and don’t get me started on holiday shopping and

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I changed the set-up of comments. They should now post immediately and not wait for me to approve or delete. Making the management a bit easier for me and less confusion for all of you; I hope! Let me know if you notice any problems. Thanks!

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