
Celebrate Everyday

Peek at a project I sent off to a magazine for possible publication For months, now my husband has been changing the words on our chalkboard to celebrate the day. We’ve had New Sofa Day, First Friday, Sam’s Club Shopping, Taco Tuesday. Thanks for my recent dental surgery, we are currently celebrating Soft Food Fortnight.

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Sewing Hassles

doodle stitching words on fabric I’ve been stitching so much, I fear I have broken the sewing machine I use for all my free motion stitching. The bobbin casing keeps moving out of alignment. You may hear a loud ‘kachunk’ sound followed by cursing from my studio lately. Perhaps it’s times to find a replacement.

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Web Fun

Watching We don’t have cable so we binge on television shows when they come to Netflix. Right now I am enjoying:         House of Card (so so good)         Breaking Bad         Missing Reading I devoured these books by Rachel Astor:         Bridesmaid Lotto         Gamble on Engagement         The Wedding Wager Inspired By         Tulip fields         Live an Inspired Life         Art

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