Quilts Tops and Dresses

Dots (54” x 54”)

Quilt guild meetings are motivators for me to finish at least one project. I finished two quilt tops and a few dresses for the little girls in my life before the last meeting.

Whirly Squares (54” x 54”)

I struggled to finish the quilt tops. I had parts of them done but couldn’t quite figure out how to make them big enough for a throw. After some experiments and doubt, I finally settled on the multiple borders for Whirly Squares and additional improv piecing to add to the random stacked coins section.

Yellow/Green dress, size 6T.

I made 3 of these dresses in sizes 6T, 2T and 6-9 months. They are adorable. I found the pattern here. A few others were completed too but they are surprises for later!