Challenge Art Quilts

Potholders (8” x 8”)

My quilt guild posed a beautiful fabric challenge in which we were to find a precious fabric in our stash that we had not yet cut into and cut a fat quarter. We put our pretty fabric in a brown bag and swapped. I received the orange batik above. Joan, the owner of the fabric, likes cats as much as I do. I created a set of pot holders and 2 art quilts for her.


She opened her heart and home to many purrs (9” x 13”)


She welcomed cats to her garden (9” x 13”)

3 Replies to “Challenge Art Quilts”

  1. These came out really nice!

  2. I absolutely love these cats!! Beautiful and inspired :o)

  3. I keep coming back to look at them. The cat fabric found the right person!

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